In March, The Boerum Hills School for International Studies in Brooklyn, together with Counseling In Schools, celebrated the first annual Women’s Glow Up Gala. This highly successful event brought together students from different backgrounds to celebrate their...
In late 2022, The Atlantic invited Counseling In Schools Executive Director Kevin Dahill-Fuchel to discuss, “Responding to the Youth Mental Health Crisis.” Alongside Kate Julian from The Atlantic, Kevin was joined in the discussion by Mia A. Smith-Bynum, Senior...
The Free Grocery project at Brooklyn Community High School for Excellence and Equity (Brooklyn X) exemplifies collaboration and connection between a school, its community, and Counseling In Schools. Started by Principal Louis Garcia, the Free Grocery project is...
As together we face these challenging times, Counseling In Schools (CIS) continues to provide emotional and social support to children, families and school staff in need. COVID-19 continues to have a devastating impact that is being felt disproportionately in the...
At the end of December, Counseling In Schools (CIS) and A-Tech High School, a vocational training and Community School in Brooklyn, hosted a Holiday Food and Coat Drive for students and their families, staffed by teachers, and administrators and other school...